Boys suck! i found the guy that I mesh so well with physically and mentally! Too bad he is going to school in OH and I am in Indiana:( Plus even in the summer he is in minnesota. OMG I only met him once and cannot get him off my mind. He did EVERYTHING exactly right. I do mean everything! On the otherhand the the night before I met Minnesota, I met another kid from missouri or something and he is too clingy!I'll call him Missouri. don't get the two boys confused! We fooled around a little and then I told him no to sex...just cause he wasn't really turning me on. but then he snuggled with me and I ffelt so claustrophobic. He called me the other ngight it made me sick. Like I don't want to be clung onto! Oh well, boys suck. The other thing about Missouri was that he was like your soo hot and your ass is so nice blah blah blah..I don't like when guys compliment me on my body, I feel like an object. It actually upsets me alot! I don't want to be seen as an object I am A person. I do have a nice body but i am so much more than that.
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and then i eat a ton of chocolate and stop going to the gym, hooray! lol.
and don't u just hate when the ones u want are unobtainable and the ones u don't want won't seemt o leave u alone!
ha ha yeah.
well, At leat his name is cool right? lol, good luck!