Listening to: Conan O'Brian
Feeling: leftout
I know ALL guys aren't like that. I know there is guy for me somewhere out there and I know he will appreciate me.
Okay for all of you who really don't care here is my dating history:
I have only had two boyfriends. My first kiss was when I was 17 same as the boyfriend and dating thing.
Okay My first bofriend:
2 months long--last May through July
He didn't trust himself to be at college and thought I deserved a lot better than him. Told me to be happy and that I need someone as great as me.
Second Boy:
October through May: 7 months long
He broke up with me saying that we were going in different directions and that I needed someone better and someone who would make me happy. He said I need to be happy and said he would stilll love me.
Later I found out he cheated on me. Which I would have never guessed he would. But what ever. he was my real first love and basically ripped my heart in two.
If you want to know anymore juicy details just ask.
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