Black Forest Cake

Listening to: "Love Me For Me"
Feeling: sinful
I have the flu. Not fun. My room is a wreck and my hair is absolutely hideous and I need to read The Odyssey. My birthday is 24 days away. I'm hopping to have a nice little party where I will eat a Black Forest Cake and get some jewelery. I'll be twenty. No longer a teen. It'll be super weird. Tonight I'm going to clean my room and straighten my hair, maybe straighten it and then curl it. I dunno, that's not important. I'm going to drink cranberry tea with honey and eat apricot preserves on wheat bread. I'm confident that this combination will heal me. :-) More later.
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since you act like your ahhhh mabey fourty five most of the time, i was really shocked to hear that you were going to only be twenty!

i just got over being sick, it sucks.
hope you feel better.