
Listening to: Steve Miller Band
Feeling: alive
Today was a lazy day. No class. I slept until 5 this evening. Why? I was tired, you jerk. :-) Now it's 3:45 am and I have to spend tomorrow getting ready for Jenn's wedding. I'm a bridesmaid. Trauma-rama. I don't even want to think about the possible horrible things that could happen on that long walk up the aisle. Tripping and bringing down my escort. Throwing up. Having the look that Barnie does in the pic above on my face the whole time. Ripping my dress. Smiling and having junk in my teeth. Breaking a heel off halfway to the alter. Walking extremely too fast or slow. Crying hysterically during the ceremony. Any number of things could happen. I seem to have no control over myself when I'm nervous. Only bad things will come of this. I'm sure. I've been listening to "Space Cowboy" on repeat for most of the night. It's very condusive (spelling?) to creativity for me. I've been writing like a maniac since I woke up. I guess love is in the air and I'm inspired to write about not having it and what happens when you know you'll never have it. Nice.
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i don't have the latest version of flash player.


3 weeks? that seems a long time. i never comment anymore. or read. or anything. basically, i breathe, and sleep. and pee. sometimes. only sometimes.
you forgot farting rather loudly during a pause in the wedding march.
ohh i really like that quote.

okay, i can do the text but what i cant do is when i want to actually write something out or draw or whatever, i cant use anything but that one paintbrush...i cant use the bigger paintbrush or anything.
and when you used the pencil, was that a text or were you actually writing with it?
i should not be online at all, actually. many works to be worked upon, truthfully.

what of val? should you be?
i have to go to a wedding in a couple of weeks. in boise, idaho. it makes me have to pee.
i thought they made stockings so the leg hair could grow freely?
who is she marrying too btw?
if he were a wiseman, and one deserving, he would do best to complain of nothing and understand fully the value of the lady bestowed upon him.

sidenote: you can always get us drunk, you know. then we don't notice things like hairy thighs.
don't count out the bridesmaids, either. everyone could use a little lovin' at a wedding, i figure.
nono. i meant bridesmaids for you. rawr drunk lesbianisms.

i do suppose, then, to be nice, i shall do it for you.

because, yes, my heart is quite that large.
i made the unfortunate decision to become single awhile back. it's hard. i don't like it much, but it was necessitated by .... life, i suppose. or, my own internal problems. we still talk, yes, but i had to break things off in other respects.
it is quite alright, my dear. there would have been no way for you to have known, unless you could have deciphered the mindless drivel that is plateau (which even i struggle with in retrospect). the truth is, i am disaffected just enough to not notice the hamstringing of my own heart. so, no worries.
awww. i lower my pants slightly for you. buttcheek!
The best way to not have a goofy look on your face during a wedding is to mainline some strong coffee. I mean intravenously - via a drip, preferably into a massive vein.

The other concerns... well, you could try the coffee as well. I would, but I'm addicted, so no surprises there. Otherwise, sorry, no bright ideas. Especially not for hysterical tears.

have a super weekend!
well perk up and relax my thunderCAT.
dont feel bad if anything horrible goes down at the wedding...i once tripped so hard up the aisle i took out 3 pillar candles, a small child, and one unsuspecting old woman. im pretty sure she needed hipreplacement after that event.
bad moments wait for celebrations...its nature.

"go tell it on the mountin" by some reggae guys usually brings me into inspiration.

"i suuuure do like this pie aunt b"