I want a red dress, I want it flimsy and cheap...

Listening to: Watching Tip/Nuck
Feeling: exhausted
I had quite possibly the worst birthday ever. I woke up at 5:45 after only sleepy a few hours and drove home, only to have a big portion of my family either be late for my party or leave early. Then I went to my dad's where we had a semi-party that ended with an argument. Went to sleep crying. The upside is that my week in Richmond was absolutely fabulous and exactly what I needed. My aunt never fails to be a constant figure of strength and understanding. Elle est ma meilleure amie. I also got some really great birthday presents. Two silver chains, a cross necklace, a dvd player, earrings galore, a jewelry box, pajamas, and a new stereo. I went and saw Be Cool. It was very funny and worth the 7.50 paid to see it. But going in I didn't know it was a sequel to Get Shorty so I was a little confused since I've only seen a little bit of that movie. Anyway, I recommend it. I bought the book and it's better than the movie (like most books are). I guess that's it for now. I'm going to try and return some comments now. Wish I Were Here...
Read 3 comments
sorry your birthday sucked, but the presents sound good, so even trade?

im so happy that you ate grass on wednesday! i think i felt your grass eating vibes, i swear, i was getting hungry looking at a plant in biology that day.
for serious.

sorry your birthday was not as fun as you had liked. but i am glad to hear that your little vacation went well.
why are you taking pictures of dogs peeing?