It's Me Again, Margaret

Feeling: reminiscent
Hello Baby, I'm Back Yes, it has been a few weeks longer than three. Five, I think, but I've been on what I like to call the Tour de la Famille. Most of my trip was extremely fun except for the occassional fight between siblings or the ever popular lets-show-Val-things-her-mom-used-to-drink/eat-off-of (morbid and weird, I know). So starting now I'm going to update everyday or so like usual until I go to Myrtle Beach on July 2nd through the 10th. Yipee. Here's a break down of my trip: Week One: Jenn's apartment (my cousin). I discovered that I hated her new husband. Week Two and Three: Jhonna's apartment (my sister). I think she's going insane. Literally. Week Three and Four: My Aunt Vera's house in Tennessee. Two weeks filled with boating, badmitten, and washing the outsides of homes (don't ask). Week Five: Back to Jenn's apartment. I found out that I don't hate her new husband. I just find him irritating and a little clingy. Now I'm (finally!) in Richmond and (yay!) will be starting work tomorrow. More updates later. Later... I left out a big ole chunk of things that have happened. My sister's boyfriend (and one of my best friends) Nick's mom is in the hospital, near death, needing a liver transplant. She was getting her gallbladder taken out when they knicked a vein and it's causing a lot of problems. I am really, really upset because she has been nothing but super nice to me and supportive and just there all the time. Anyway, pray or do what ever you do for her please. While I was in Tennessee, my grandmother invited me to her house. I agreed (not really wanting to go but feeling like I should). Right off the bat she leads me to a china cabinet, one of those with lights on the dishes. She opens it and pulls out an ordinary looking coffee cup. She then tells me that this cup is the last coffee cup my mom ever drank out of. She points to the lipstick stains. She holds it out for me to hold. It's like slow motion. I don't want to touch it except to fling it against the wall but she's pushing it into my hands and looking at me like she needs this. I hold it for a second. She's waiting for me to say something. My brain is telling me to hand it back to her and get out. But I'm standing there. I say: "Wow". She says: "Val, take it with you." I want to puke. I mumble something about not having room in my dorm. She takes it and very gently sits it back under the lights, turning it so the lipstick shows. Am I the only one who thinks that is disgusting? I have probably never been so revolted in my life. My mom is dead. I want to get it tatooed on my forehead so it's not a secret, so everyone knows for sure. I'll never get over it but I'm not holding on to her death like it's all I have.
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welcome back. Sorry about the bad parts. Are you still into magic? if so are you going to regionals? I still don't have my deck ready and it is this weekend.
Hey darling! I just got caught up on everything. i'me over here babysetting the kids...wish me well...they're all in bed all is good for the moment....I checked your valerie102 and it wouldn't let me read the letter...what's up with that????? Anyways, i'm sure ya'll will be hearing from me shortly...lve ya
Hmm, out-of-towners like Myrtle Beach, so I'm sure you'll have fun. Since I was born, and (often go back to South Carolina, since I'm a military brat and my parents were born there) it's not that pleasurable. However, I'll find myself there around July 5th-10th or so..And then, off to Disney World for the first time. Anyways, I hope you have fun at Myrtle Beach..most people do! =)
Hmm..I'll try really hard to remember to pray for Nick's mom. Oddly, I live in Maryland and have never encountered on Sit anyone near, you're a
Anyways, I don't find it odd at all that your grandmother forced that cup into your hands. Somehow, I feel like there's more for her to show you about your mom, if you ever wanted to know or embrace it.
Lastly, (I don't know, I just really REALLY like the word *lastly*) = oh well.
hey there, you have to understand that everyone gets over a death in their own way. im sure your grandmother has had a very hard time burying one of her children. part of death is helping others through it as well as yourself. your a string person and you have done well. and im sure your mother wouldnt want you to be sad and im also sure that she would want you to help others get to that point.

your granny sounds a little crazy.
im glad youre back.
i missed you!
ill be back later, im on short time.
welcome back.

the lipstick thing is a little weird. maybe it holds sentimental value to her and the fact that the lipstick is still there means that even if her memory goes, and the memories of her daughter and your mother go with it, that if the lipstick is still there, part of your mother will also live on. some people are like that.

personally, i think it's a little odd.

if i made any typos, forgive me. i'm in the dark.
Viva La Bands

its the whole cd, someone gave it to me and i thought i would pass it on as a welcome back present.

[if anyone else tries to dl it besides val, your computer will explode and kill you. dont say i didnt warn you. :-/]