So beautiful & amazing...

Feeling: annoyed
If im so beautiful and "amazing" why am i always single!?! WTF? I got a good answer from a friend of a friend. He said becuase guys see you as a challenge and think you are too good for them. But that's not how i am. If i like you..i'll give you a chance. I don't care who you are or where you come from. If you can't tell Jerry and I broke up. Something about his ex girl was always on his mind. Ya know he could've told me this before we started dating and things wouldn't have gotten serious, which he is the one that took it there. I'm really confused and I know he is b/c he made out with me yesterday. oh well! i'm such a hooch. teehee. but we're friends now when he's not avoiding me and not flipping out on me and changing his mind. so that's probably 25% of the time. agh...on to something that won't frustrate me. We got a new fish. Its a beta. His name is Dori. b/c he's blue and purple. We were going to name him baby blue but then we heard that he'll turn red. so yeah red fish named baby blue...that doesn't work. OH we also rearranged our room. It looks so cool now! Stephen's moving back to L-town. He's coming to visit me this weekend. I guess things with him and Cheryl didn't work out according to plan but oh well! So everything else is spiffy. I have great grades and such. The love life is just sucky but that's expected b/c its me. and boys don't like me for some odd reason and i don't get it. I mean i'm a very likeable girl. i have a great personality, i'm attractive, im smart, yada yada...guys have told me all this so why don't they act on it!!! i'm so confused and just want someone!!! well not just someone a nice boy who won't break my heart and lie and keep things from me like all the other males in my life. I hate being hurt. well most girls do, but when its happened to you all your life starting with your father hurting makes relationships so much harder. NICE BOY that won't break my fragile heart: I'M HERE and LOOKING for you!!! i'm out Laces
Read 3 comments
ur strong u'll make it through stuff like this, cuz when ur not strong ur friends are -Jeremy
...i love you and i think you are a great person. I look up to you as from a younger girls perspective. and i'm in the same boat-- <3 Allison
I like you and I know you're a great person. Maybe you think I'm joking when I flirt with you or maybe because of my friend. But I still like you.