Listening to: (( Kenny Chesney ))
Feeling: headachy
So yeah...went shopping yesterday with my mom...bought a bunch of clothes and rainbows, got excited about the apartment! We get to move in August! i'm excited! MY OWN PLACE...with mal of course! but still MY OWN PLACE! I was so tired last night...we started shopping at like 10:00 and didn't get back to my dorm until 11:00 at night. It was fun though. hmmm what else...i miss my daric. his mom comes in this week. so i don't know how much time i'm going to get to spend with him this weekend. IT is emily's birthday thursday and we're going out and i have to get her b-day present still b/c i couldn't find anything at Concord. LaLaLaLaLa...i guess that's it...nothing exciting i gues.
*It's hot!!!!*
headache will dissappear.
good luck.