This blows...

Listening to: (( I DON"T CARE ))
Feeling: peaceful
**I think that I have been patient enough with certain people in my life. dad and step mom. I'm sick of the bullshit that they feed me and my brother. I've started to realize what a bitch she is and how controling she is of him. I'm sorry I didn't realize it earlier. I went over to see him after I ate lunch with Daric and I was immediately told to run errands for them. After i came back I was forced to watch my step-neice who wouldn't stop crying. So she was hungry...i fed her and she pushed the bottle away and then started crying again. So my step-mom comes over and tries to help and gets pissy with me. So basically her manurisms and attitude towards me and the way she talked to me that day rubbed me the wrong way. I was so upset about all that. I talked to my mom about it...and I don't think I want to see them or the step-side with him. The only way I will see him is w/o them around. I've put up with it for a while now and I'm tired of it. I'm not "daddys little girl" anymore. I'm an adult and can make decisions who I want to spend time with and I can speak my mind to him about her. I guess i just need to approach him now and tell him that we're never going to be a family. She won't let it happen....yeah. Lacy *I'm not going to talk about the rest of the awful weekend*
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