Happening again...

Listening to: (( CMT ))
Feeling: rejuvenated
So a person at school has cancer. (Lungs, liver, lymphatic system). There's no treatment. Today I just found out that she had 3-5 months to live. I know this person only b/c of the horrible things she and my boyfriend at the time did to me. I mean it hurt at the time that he cheated on me with her and all that. But now I feel so bad for saying everything I did about her. I wouldn't wish this on anyone. I mean geez...I don't think I could go through another friend dying this school year. Andy's death was so hard to handle and I still get upset about it every now and then. And now her. No 19 year old should have to be put through such torture. God works in mysterious ways. I pray for a miracle to happen. For the sake of her close friends, John, and her family. Lace *Don't take life for granted. Live each day to the fullest*
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Hey Lacy, I just got to read this:don't regret anything ok? We can't change the past and we all know you wouldn't wish it on her-She'll be ok~Lizzy