
You say it's prom day? What? Gracious. Too much to do. First of all, somehow, I'm going to become awake enough to go and purchase biscuits for my dear mother and I to have for breakfast. At some point, I will go and pick up the corsage and boutinere from Lexington Florist, and at another point, I will call Nikki and inform her of when she will be picked up. Somehow, my mother convinced me to shave my unibrow, so now I'm all unibrowless and weird. I hope people will recognize me. I guess since she shaved it once, I will now have to always shave it. I will shower and get dressed, and my mother will want to take lovely pictures before I go and get the lovely Nikki, and bring her back here for more picturage before go BACK to the school for pictures at 6:15. Then, we will backtrack to Fatz, eat dinner, return promptly to the prom, and stay there until midnight. It's going to be a long, interesting day.
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you are now uni-brow-less? be still my beating heart.

actually. i didnt realise you had a uni-brow.

my friend aaron has one. and he has really dark hair, so he looks kinda like bert.


anyway. have fun at prom :]