Listening to: Evanescence - October
Feeling: bad
How appropriate for a month I despise.
I guess it's true what they say. Bad things come in threes.
1. The work incident that I've already talked about. Apparently though, on Tuesday, I made Jackie think I was upset and we both ended up apologizing to each other on Wednesday, and we're fine now. I haven't done anything about the comment that was made about me.
2. My car died yesterday afternoon. I left the lights on and it killed the battery, and then Kim's friend jumped it off wrong, so the fuse blew. After work, Kim's dad came out to the school and fixed everything for me, so now my car runs again. But it was very inconvenient and bad and frustrating.
3. Spanish V is cancelled. I am very sad and angry about this, and my mom is going to call the school to make sure that the class is uncancelled or that I get to be Mrs. Deaton's teacher aide. Either would be fine with me, because it is the second semester of my senior year, and I need to have Spanish, otherwise I will be going to college having not had a Spanish class for a year. There's got to be something to do about it.
I hate freakin' October.