never mind the darkness

So The Music Man was good. I went to Georgia's house and we hung out with Robbie there for a little bit, and then his mom and Julie came to pick him up. He left, and so did we. Getting there and in was easy enough. The play was very good, and Kayla, our freshman friend, was there a few rows up. Emily was in some seriously cute scenes, and she was very, very good. After the show, she came out and hugged us and thanked us for coming and we talked to her a little while. Finally, we left. And then today was church, and it was okay. I'm qutting creative stuff after the fair because I can't take it anymore. I'm going to start doing ESL on Sundays, which is what I really want. They'll survive without me. Lunch at Ruby Tuesday...and then my sister and some ADPi girls came over, plus TIFFANY AND HEATHER, @whee. And all flesh shall see it together...and the glooooory the glooooory of the lord (end musical break) And then creative stuff practice, followed by a dry run performance in youth worship, and dinner at Monterrey, which I disenjoyed. The restaurant has a B rating. I've never eaten in a B-rated restaurant, which says a lot. We keep our restaurants sanitary here, usually, I guess. And then no school tomorrow, but work 10-2.
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Je ne parle pas espagnol.