Feeling: happy
I havent written in a few days because of the fact that I have broken up with Chris, and then I got closer to Chris solitro.. and I truely love him, he is Bi, but that isnt an important fact... we've gotten far in the relationship and its only been about a week... he's even wanting to break up with his girlfriend for me... I dont agree.. because I think she really likes him.. but he calls me important and that he loves me far more than he loves her...He makes me happy... really happy.. Im glad to be with him... and well.. I havent written entries lately because I have been with him and just wanting to be in his presence....got to go...bye
Read 6 comments
Meh .... No kidding ..........
i wish you the best of luck with chris. maybe this will turn out. later, amie
man, i'm jealous. you get more guys than to do. and there isn't even any girls around here for me. not sure if i would do anything, but sometimes i just feel bi. ok, long story..nm.

and there's something with you and chris'...go you!
i'm glad you're happy...now it's time to update your story. woohoo
first off chris GO 2 hell... he was already shy (VERY SHY!!) when I first went with him... ow yeah and matt as I have said YOUR NAME IS HIGHLIGHTER WITH A BLACK PERMENANT MARKER!!!!
wooooow... you remind me of my friend.. she always thinks shes in love but then she breaks up with him and says shes in love with the next guy.. yet i hope its not all the same with you =)
and good luck with chris
awww..that's cool! yay for you!