Listening to: nothing
Feeling: angry
I can deal with getting the shit punneled out of me. But this is completely fucked up. First off, I spend a weekend at tabatha's and Stephani's.. Im Fucking Tired of tabatha Treating me Like Shit, I didnt do a damn thing to her, I try to Be nice to her, yet she blows me, off Doesnt Tell Me Shit, and acts as if Im the Most Fowl Thing on this Fucking Planet. She Claims I Left Our Friendship for her sister, That is Not the Case, I want to hang out with her, she Just forces me to leave. That Fucking bitch doesnt Understand that All I Want to do Is Be back in the same friendship we had before. Screw You Tabatha, apparently you could care less about me, I Could Fucking Care less about You. People are Coming Up to Me Everywhere Calling me a Fucking Faggot, I dont even know these people. Then I have to deal with My Family who I Know are going to make my life miserable.. I Just want to cry.. but I cant anymore.. Oh Thank You Stephanie For the razors, I Cut my body up so fucking much I Had to drain the tub of blood.
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i am sorry about everyone being a shit to you, some guy in te store today was a dildo to me too, never even seen him before.
your an idiot if your cutting yourself because of me.. and i hope you didnt write that to make me feel bad cause remmeber acording to yall i am heartless i cant show any emotion cause im a big fat heartless bitch

im sorry you've been seeing the worst of how people can be. sometimes you wonder who your friends really are, it's just too bad that you dont really talk to me anymore. i'm hoping i can see you next week, that is if you dont mind going back to georgia, but if you dont want to i understand. i really want to see you though, i wish you werent so far away. i still think your my best friend even though we dont have the same relationship we used to.
i guess we've both changed a bit since 8th grade. i just want you to know that if all your other friends back out on you, i'll always be there. i know we've had our rough moments, but that's just how it goes. we've had more good than bad i think. anyways, hope to see you soon. much love
you made a coment about me being heartless while you were over here this past weekend when you all were talking about it and eating fucking pankackes
Hey matti! its Ashley. i made one of these thingys. Anyways I am sorry about all this crap ur dealing with. This world can be a really sucky place.
much love
If you have any teenage advice..here I am..I'm not one of those retarded advice people..I'm a true normal 14 year old whose just looking to help ppl out with their B/S. Hehe. Well..If you got any issues...I have some tissues!
