Listening to: nothing
Feeling: torn
Ive had two days at the beach, not today including, but yet Yesterday, and the day before. Monday: I Thought I was going to my first painting art lesson, but my mom didnt inform me that she canceled it, Instead. We went to the beach to take photographs. It was great, but not as great as going to art class. Teusday: We went again, this time Bringing Clothing to swim in, I Invited Ashley, who went along. it was great. Swam, I Taunted the waves, and then they started attacking us, Built a Huge Sand Castle, Burried me in sand.. Exfoliated Our skin in sand. and Got burnt. It was better than sitting at home alone doing nothing but Boiling in the heat. Wednesday(today): i didnt do much, Went to therapy, got me Calendars. A Hand one, and a Fairly Odd Parents One. talked to my brother jeremy on the phone, apparently Im going to his place this weekend, meaning I wont be able to go to megans, which will bite, cause I really wanted to go Catch butterflies, while humming the mission impossible theme song. And I know Im not going to Stevies, because One) Im completely furious with him, and Dont even want to be near him. And Two) He Doesnt even know for certain if his parents will be there.. So Nope. Sylvia If Your wanting to see me, I'll plan a day to go down to your place. not Go To Georgia. Anyway, here's Some of the Better Photo's I took at the Beach From Monday and tuesday. Click the Link to see them. Fence One of my favourites. Shell Another Favourite. Beach Slightly Tinted Red On accident. Foot Print Rocks You had to climb down these, to get to a diffrent part of beach where the Wind Sufers were. Bird Wind Surfer Up close Wind Surfer Sand Castle1 Sand Castle2 Sand Castle3 Sand Castle Demolished Ashley Me burried Ocean I think this ones pretty. Rock Man and his dog I took this one far away, He never knew I took it either. But It turned out awesome. Placing him on one side so I can capture the ocean on the other. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Visit Ashleys Profile!
Read 4 comments
ok, i wish you could come this weekend. the next time you can come over will probably be in july. it's not fair you live so far away. one day i'll just have to kidnapp you for a while. or forever. screw your other friends...i was here first...lol jk. i dont want to screw them. anyways, i like your pictures. luv ya
MATTI!!!! suden urge to scream MATTI!! lol... im not allowed on the computer anymore... trid calling u but no one answered.... well ill keep trying i guess
what a drama queen....you stupid niger......i dont feel sorry for you cause you aint gothic...belive me i know you stupid faggot...well you havnt drowned in your blood yet....then yeah stop saying your just gonna kill your self cause you are too damn scared ........you are lik a living soap opra......freakin noodle....you dont need simpathy.........you shold be treated the way you act cause noone is going to feel sorry for you ok....fuckin queer.
i like your fish...