to many boyfriends. to much hurrting

Feeling: magical
my mom brought up a "joke" of moving a house onto wades well. maybe she sounds joking but i know she already wants to move in with him.. ugh stupid .. then she is like Well lindsey you could move your horses out there and im like ? what horses your selling them in the auction on monday. i feel bad i will miss um. she is just selling her horse but i know that when she sells him. my horse wont be the same. they grew up together. every time she brings it up. i just get so mad because this morning i tried talking to her about it again. but she just ignores me and then goes outside to call up one of her friends.. i went to the bar with her last night and after she closed up she was like im going over to wades and i was like . then im going to . and then she was like . well i think we should let him go home and sleep. so i was like ok? well lets go home then but then she was like ... Im going over to wades and what the ef. shes soo stupid so i told her im going with so she decided not to go. because she didnt want me with. so i was like you dont have to be with him alll the time but of course she gets mad. .. but talking about moving in with him? it would just be another case of trying to live with him then they break up like 2 weeks later. i just dont want it to be sunday. i dont want to sell her horse.. its the stupidest idea there is ever.
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i still heart youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu