Pretty Pathetic Arnt I?

Listening to: closure-chevelle
Feeling: abandoned
A email from my dad... I think it is a bad thing that you have decided to disconnect me from your life. I don't deserve it. There is one thing that I need to let you know. It may not seem important to you at this time, but your unexcused absence and tardy records are going to hurt you when you are looking for a decent paying job. Your at an age when good choices can take you anywhere you want to go. You may not care too much about it at this time, but don’t wait too long. Whatever you should choose to do after high school, having good attendance and grades that reflect some discipline could be the difference between working 50 to 60 hours a week for $30000 a year, or 40 hours a week for 60000 a year, 4 weeks paid vacation, and full health and retirement benefits. Going to school is a privilege. You have been blessed with a sharp mind and a healthy body. Take advantage of it. I don’t like the situation it seems your in, and I am here if you need me.---Quit skipping classes--your only hurting yourself. Lindseys way of reading it... blah blah blah money school blah blah blah whats your name again... oh it doesnt matter. blah blah blah quit sucking so much at life . your only hurting yourself ... ? thanks dad.
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