just got back

Listening to: i want you
Feeling: clueless
i just got back from my grandmas for like the whole weekend! funfun , but it feels like i havent been here forever. im thinking about this one person, i thought i would never think about before, i dont know what these feelings mean, but i guess i have to fuind out for myself. and the one that i really love doenst have the same feelings and its making me insane!!!! like when ever i am around him i always think about how we used to be but i know he dosent because he is too busy with all of his other girls. but that will never change so i just need to get over it but its so hard. but ya sooooo were hanging up christmas lights right now yayyyyy this year has gone by so fast. it feels like yesterday was my birthday and its already christmas!!! ahhhhhhh
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hey carty cart cart! lol. thats my newest name for you lol. i just got home and yeah! lol. so whos this guy your thinking about? lol. well i guess i will go now, ill see ya at school tomorrow! buhbye*~!*
Hey Court! OMG! I'm so happy your back! I've missed you so much! I'm so happy they came over tonight! lol Courtney I've missed him for so long! But I totally thought he hated me! Please Please! Don't go to your dads so we can hang out with them...and Court...if they guy is the guy I think your talking about...he so wants it to be the way you want it to be...I LOVE YOU!!!