
i really seriously want to start over like ok its not just because of the gay variety show, which went so bad, but all the other shit in my life. im just sick of it. i hate my fucking school, and most of the people in it. i just really cant wait till high school is over. now about last night well it was bad, ok me and kelsey got all ready for the try-outs and we went to micky ds and we started to smell something, well ya it was my car it was like burning up and so ya now we are at this gas station with my car looking like idiots in our costumes waiting for kelseys mom to come pick us up, well the we went to our school and ya nobody gave us any fucking papers for it and we had to find all the stupid lyrics which have curse words in them, and ya we tried out and the judges well lets just say they werent happy with the music i mean this is high school, whats the big deal, the play it at homecoming! i was really pissed. i just really thought that we could do it, but i was wrong very wrong, now i am going to feel very self concious about dancing now, and guess what i have dance class tonight isnt that going to be fun. and ya i also bitched at conley casue i guess i took out my anger on him and now i feel like the biggest bitch in the world, i really need to talk to him, im sorry. i just want to get noticed for me and not for the dirty dancing slut that was in the newspaper,,,, but it looks like its not going to happen.
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Hey, I hope your life turns for the better! Hopefully, your friends will help you get through these rough times.
Best Wishes,
courtney :(:(:(:(:(. whats wrong with people. i seriously am not going to ever look at the list. we had the cutest dance ever and the cutest costumes but stupid people ugh. they shoula had actual teachers instead of students judge cuz uh they might hate us ugh. im so mad. see ya at dance tonight ugh
ughhhhhhhhhh i am so pist rite now cuz of the reason they didn tpick u guys that is so fucking gay i was with u guys the whole time hopin u would make it well 2 me u did but 2 the students no so fuck the students who judge it
Dont worry about it, Itll pass and ur ognna be like, lol fuck em...
court eveything will get better trust me
courtney never forget i'm always here and that will never change no matter what happens and I'm sorry about what has gone down. But everything will be
courtney, hey babe, you cant let little things get in the way like that. i think you are an awesome person!!! great cheerleader and so much fun to be around. it is stupid that students judged the thing, but in sure that they would have enjoyed it more then the teachers, not saying that ur a bad dancer, ur awesome, but you have to take what they said and learn from it. im always here to talk if u wanna!!! i love u!!! *muah*!!! <3 stacee
courtney u and kelsey were really good! the only reason we couldnt put u in the show was bc of the cursing and personally i htihk its kinda gay but yea im sry! you guys need to try out next year tho bc i thought u guys rocked! ly~nicole