wow just wow

i really cant belive this is finally happening for me, ive waited soooo long for this, and now its here, you know what they say third time is the charm! i really hope thats true. i broke up with ricky, i had to do it, i couldnt keep telling myself that i liked him when i was really in love with someone else, everybody keeps saying that i made a big mistake and youll regret it, but you know what its not there desion and they dont know how i really feel. a lot of people are mad at me right now, but i could really care less cause if they were real friends then they wouldnt judge my feelings. all i know is that i love him more then anything, an im not going to let it fade away this time, cause i have something really special with him and i never want to let that go. well i got to go to cheerleading ill talk to yall later!!!!!buh bye! court*
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Sometimes quick and unreviewed decisions can leave a nasty sting. A sting that infects many around you and is not so easy to soothe. Good Day.