going good

last night and friday night was so much fun. i got to spend time with him, i feel so close to him, and i cant beilve we have been only going out for a week. but ya friday we all went to tims house, it was pretty intresting, i stayed over there untill 3 in the morning, it was really fun though, and then yesterday at stephines party was pretty fun also. im am so bored right now, i wonder if kelsey and becca would want to go to the movies tonight or something. i havent hung out with them in such a long time, its weird cause we used to always hang out. but i dont know something has changed, and i need to change it back. things in my life right now are pretty good, i still need to work on a few things but over all its good. i really need to get up off my ass an look for a job, just the thought of working though like sickens me, i know im pathetic, lol. its so warm outside today, gosh i cant wait till my pool opens, and its summer outside. ahhh warm weather always gets me excited!!! well im going to go see yall later luv ya buh bye *courtney*
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