stayed home

i stayed home today from school, cause my blood pressure was really low, and it felt like i was going to pass out! ahh it was really scary, but im fine now. today was really relaxing actually, i took a long bath with candels all around and soft music on, it was so relaxing, i really needed it, well im suppose to go to his house today, but he hasent called me i dont know where he is, i dont know maybe this whole thing was too good to be true, maybe i was just dreaming the whole thing or something, i just dont know how it could happen to a girl like me. i hope saturday works out alright, i really wish sammy and kelsey were going. its going to feel weird without them there. but all the plans have changed so much, i just wish it all comes together, i wonder if im like dreaming this whole thing, someone pinch me!!! lol me and kelsey watched the notbook last night and omg i love that movie soooo flipen much!!! i cried, lol i knew i would again. i like him soooo much, he looks at me lke he knows me and only me, and the crazy thing is i only have known him for 4 weeks!!!!!! valentines day is coming up, i wonder if it will be a better one then last year!?! lol well i got to go im going to go eat!
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I luvv you court!!!! hehehehehaaaaaa. mmk im done!