sitting here

Listening to: break away
Feeling: drowsy
i dont feel good at all i have this stupid ear infection, and i was like dying all day in school. i really want to change school, i am so sick of the stupid people in our school that dont have anything else better to do then is to talk about people! that pisses me off so bad!!! but anyways i freakin burnt my fingur on the stupid hot glue gun today and it so bad its like a blister now. i get to go shopping tomorrow i am so excited!!!! yayaya but ya well ya i am totally bored so i think i am going to go make so cookies and watch tv talk to you ya'll later, becca gooooooooooddd luck tonight, i know you too will get together have fun girl!!!!! -court-
Read 2 comments
goddd i can't wait until you are ungrounded, i miss you!
love you
hey court im sorry about ur ear! i love you so much and im sorry aobut htis whole big rucous thin!