
Listening to: nothing
Feeling: confused
i hate this i really do hate this. there is nobody left, everyday something new and exciting happens for them, everything, i wish my life could be that exciting, i really do. i wish i could tell all of them what i am hiding i really do i just dont know how to say it, i dont know how to let it out, i guess i never will, not like they would care or anything i just need to tell someone, anyone. my life changed that day and i will never get it back, i wonder what it would have been like, maybe better than this life, maybe not, i just hope that it gets better, cause i really can not take all the pressure anymore.
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sup yo.

yeerrr prettty
courtney i love you so much! and seriously life does get better...its been a rough year for me but its gets better and better everday and remember im always here for you and i love you to death...*like the new pic babe! i love you so much im so glad we became such good freinds! MUAH!
thanks, court. i love you. i know we haven't been as close lately, and i'm sad about that, and i think we should hang out more. i'm here to talk to, whenever, even if you feel like you need to talk to someone at three in the morning, i'll have my cell next to me, and i'll be there for you. anyways, i guess i just wanted you to know that. i'll see you tomorrow at school. would you want to sit with us ever?
love you
hey court! havent talked to you in a while! i hope everything is going ok! i love you girly! we need to talk about alota stuff!!! welp g2g ttlyl ly buhbye*~*!*!~