
Listening to: break away
Feeling: excited
yessssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am ungrounded!!!!!!! i am so excited i get to hang out with all of my friends now!!!! yaya it feels like i dont even know then anymore!!! lol my whole cheerleading team is falling apart. 2 girls already quit, some are thinking about quiting and a lot didnt go to the game last night!!! ahhhhh i dont want to loes them!!! somehow i have to figur out to not let sammy quit i dont know what i would do without her!!!! sammy i love you!!! gosh i feel so free now, lol that was gay, but i was like locked in my house for a week. i miss new melly so much i want to go back so bad. if i didnt make that one mistake then we would still be living there right now. i would still be neighbors with him, i miss him so much. well i got to go!!1
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hey court! im not gunna quit and if i do im bringing u with me...im just done wiht all that shit u no but i wont quit just for you...what mistake did u make that made u move? u didnt do anything...and u DO NOT i repeat DO NOT miss him!! remember were finding u someone new and improved!
i luv you cartney!