fuck you

ok he said that he loved me and he said that he never felt like that before, an then what do i know i found out that he cheated on me three fucking times! ahh i hate him, and then he says theres all this drama and im doing everything, well he can just fuck off, cause when ever i am with him i always feel like i am doing something wrong. i just really dont understand somethings guys say and do. i really wish i could tell people how i feel, im always feel like i will hurt their feelings though, like when ever someone does something wrong or like hurts me, im to much of a chicken to say anything about it! i hate that. and because of that people take advantage of me. i think i really need to change.
Read 10 comments
courtney you are so funny! hahaha. member when you used to get sad and say "i was almost done with your guys' wedding plans too" lol hahaha luv ya!
hey im really sry bout wat happen and guys are assholes cuz of wat they do 2 u and u dont deserve it if u need to tlk u can always call me or anything and ill be here for u love ya
it doesnt seem like youre the one who needs changing....
Guys.. suck.
No problem,
And thank you :)
Courtney,I love you. I will never hurt you. Ever.
guys are dogs, remember that.

if you want to talk to someone, i'm here to help. I've seen a number of therapists and whatnot, and I'm sure I can help you out if you want to change and learn how to say "no" and all that stuff. Just let me know.

And thank you for the comment! I like your diary as well.

Thanks! Sorry to hear about the guy troubles.
wow, i know exactly how you feel in this entire enrty. the love of my life cheated on me quite a few times.. and i am also one that lets people walk all over me.

we have much in common.
yeah fuck him I mean big con is suck a dick head