
it really confuses me why some one says omg i hate someone, and yet they are friends with them the next day, i dont really understand it. i miss all my old friends, its like we all have sepreate lives now and its just an ocasional hello and good bye and whats up. thats it, this year it good but then it has its down times, i cant belive that this semester is almost over! were almost seniors!!! hell ya! the scary thing is though im not sure what i want to do with my life, like i know i want a family and kids, but im talking about like career wise. lol well on the 16th will be barry and i 8 month, it seems like we have beem together forever, but really it hasent been all that long. i just wish people would stop wondering why i am with him, yes i know the things he does, but if i end it i know i will regret it and why would i want to do that. i mean look at me im blabbing on now. lol ok im going to stop. im really glad were doing good now though, were stronger then what we ever were. i hate posion ivy, my whole thanksgiving break i had it and it got so infected that i had to go to the doctor and i had to be put on steriods. lol i know weird huh? but finally its going away and i am so thankful, i think it finally made me relize how greatful i was to have my normal skin. i wish i could tell people how i really feel about them, but thats just it, i cant, im not that strong, i really wish i could be, but when ever i try it just never works, i hate that! well im going to go cause the bell is about to ring, im at school right now!! hehe luv yall buh bye ~courtney~
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i hate high school drama.
oh yes.
and i love you.