making changes.

im going to make some changes in my life, good ones. i need to be more of a christian, and really look at the mistakes that i have made and try to think how i can over come that. ive hurt so many people in the past year, when i think about it it makes me sick. i sorry everyone for all the mean things i have said or i have ever done to you. and thank you sammy, kelsey, and becca for always being there for me, i really dont know what i would have done without you guys. but it seems like when ever i try to change things in my life it always seems that i always go back to what i have already been doing. its driving me insane that i cant remeber anything! i dont know what to think. all i can say is there is not going to be another episoed like that again. NEVER. today was a really bad day, when my dad droped me off, him and my mom started talking, opps not talking yelling, and it was horrible like my whole family were yelling and throwing things, and my little step- ssiter was crying and it was all a mess. i had to get out of there, so i did, and i took her with me. im so sick of it! i cant stand it! i seriously dont know what to do anymore. i guess just sit back and not say anything, since that is what im best at. but ya life goes on, and i cant do anything about it, we have to go back to school tomorrow, it sucks so bad, and i dont know what to do about the variety show, me and kelsey havent even finshed it!!! ahhhhh we got to get workin on that! try outs are in 8 days!!!!
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nooo lol im not mad at you!! lol but omg i really do not know what to do about the variety show! we like seriously do not have the dance even ready!! ahhhh. if we somehow do not make it up in time, then we are definatly doing it next year! lyl
i think maybe you are too hard on yourself, court. you are already a great person. but if you want to make changes in your life, just know i'm here for you no matter what, k?
courntey...there is nothign wrong with u! seriosuly i love you so much and ur one of my best freinds im really glad we became freinds you r always there 4 me and if people dont see how aweosme u r they are FUCKED UP INT HE HEAD! seriosuly i lvoe you so much! dont be so hard on urself
courntey...there is nothign wrong with u! seriosuly i love you so much and ur one of my best freinds im really glad we became freinds you r always there 4 me and if people dont see how aweosme u r they are FUCKED UP INT HE HEAD! seriosuly i lvoe you so much! dont be so hard on urself

*thatx wrong the last entry lol