wow its been a long time!

wow, i cant belive its been like a year! so much has happened! well school starts in a week and yah i wont be going untill september because well yah im going to have a baby! i know i am young, but i think its all for the best, and i wouldnt change it for anything. And im having him with the guy i fell in love with 5 years ago, and have loved him everyday since. we've been going out for a year and a half now and its been wonderful! my life will change a whole lot, but i know i have people here that will support me, so i think i will be ok! i wonder how school is going to be this year. i really hope drama free, because it was hell last year with everyone finding out that i was pregnant. Hopefully they got on with that and have moved on. but i doubt it. im really worried about someone, i hope she will be alright, sometimes it seems like she is in her own world, and i want to be in that world too like how we used to be, but i have so many new responsibilties now, i dont think i will be able to, it just seems so nice though. i just really hope everything is going to be ok.
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hi courtney, it's kelsey ray...i know we aren't friends or anything, but becca has told me about you new baby and showed me the pics online, and i just wanted to tell you that i really support your decision to have him, and that i think you're really strong to stay true to yourself like this when ignorant people treated you badly. i don't want to sound weird or creepy or anything, but it just really makes me proud.
oh, and congrats! :]
thank you court! same goes for you too! i love yoU!
i miss you, court.