im sorry

im sorry. there are so manys things i want to tell you all. there is a big part of me missing with out you. there is something wrong. very wrong, i see it now. im getting out. im sorry it took me so long to see it when you guys were helping me too, i didnt want to see it cause once in my life i thought i had something that cared about me so much that they would do anything for me, but i was wrong, that person doesnt exist, an i cant belive i put all of you off when i needed you the most. i love you an im sorry. -courtney-
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courtney, dont be sorry. i was just really really missing you..we have been really close friends for so long and it just made me really sad when we werent seeing eachother anymore. i guess i just wanted you to notice that i didnt want to lose you as a friend...
courtney, you have no reason to be sorry...i'm the one who should be sorry, i haven't been here for you either. i am here for you whenever you want/need to talk though, and i know you are strong and can make it through this. i miss you.
love you lots
Happy Birthday Court, wish i could see ya
hey Courtney. i know that you have a lot of things going on. but i wish you could just tell me what is happening to you instead of telling me that there is something happening. its killing me not knowing if your okay or not. i still consider you as my best friend, and thats why this is so hard. it really isnt the same without you. and i really wish you could just call me up, or have me drive to your house for just 5 minutes so you can tell me wha
ts going on and then i can leave you alone, or let you work it out without me intruding. i feel almost as though you cannot see me. like if you did, it will ruin something. i really hope that its not that he doesnt want you to hangout with me. or see me. if it is that, please tell me. i dont know why you have been losing weight either, and that really scares me. if you ever need anyone to talk to, i am always here. i wish i could be there to know
and help you get through things. i hope i do talk to you soon.

love always