its hard

Listening to: over and over again
its so hard to make everybody happy. i try so hard to not hurt anyones feelings but then again i am just hurting myself. he doesnt understand why i cant be in a relationship right now, im not even over the one i just had i dont think i ever will be cause he ment so much to me. isnt it funny how one person says they love you and then the next day they say they want to take a break. god it was so hard when i heard those words, i really thought we had something, i really did, i though he was different, but i guess he wasent he was just the same as everyone else. so ya enough about all that stuff.........i got to leave school early today cause sammy had a doctors app. and she was my ride so that was fun and like nobody is online to talk to so ya its kind of boring right now. man i have cheerleading tonight and i really dont want to go. we are learning our recitial dance and its so like ahhhhhh................but ya there is so much drama going on right now, but then again when ever isnt there drama? lol i think i am getting what i deserve throughout all of this that is happening. i am going to go get some munchies talk to you later buh bye !!!!!
Read 3 comments
you will never, ever, ever be able to please everyone. no one can, because nothing is black and best advice to you, is to choose the option that is the lighter shade of gray..

anyways, lyl
well, i dah know. you'll have to ask brian. because brian was the one talking to him. so yeah...lyl buhbye~*!*
hey court! i love you so much! i wnat u to no that that im always here 4 u and i will be for ever! i serisuyly dont no what id do without u ur ike one of my best ffreinds i tell u evrthing! like seriously lol ur awesome! and all those guys are crazy for doin this shit 2 u! i just want to tell u i love with u all my heart and that its filled with court lovee!!!