school starting!!!

ahhhh i am so excited about school going to start, its less then a week and i still have like nothing bought. im sitting here waiting for sammy and caitlin to come over to swim, which will be really fun cause i havent hung out with them in forever, but anyways the summer is finally over, i think this summer has been kinda bad for everyone. when i went to orentation i got to see everybody which was scary at first, but everybody looks different but yet they still act the same. most of them anyways. i dont have any classes with anyone i know, which really sucks cause i always hate not having any one to talk to, i always feel retarted, but o well. i wonder what will happen this year, hopefully not as much drama like last year but i know that will never happen as long as im in high school, there will always be drama. i just hate all the stupid rumers that everyone makes up just becasue they have nothing better to do, but then talk about other people. things are changing between me and him, i dont know why its so different, i guess we are muturing more and we act older in a way, i kinda like it, but sometimes it makes me feel like he is not into me at all, and i hate that. but yet we have been together for almost 4 month, it seems longer but i guess it just feels that way cause i have been in love with him for like 4 years!!! lol well i got to go ill talk to yall later love ya lots!!!!!!1 *courtney*
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it sucks that we dont have lunch together! i knew they would do that to us! lol. i hope this year is going to be better than last year too. no more pictures in the paper! lol..