ok but not ok

lots of things has happened, well with like everything today was such a long day it would never be over. me and kelsey were singing really random dumb songs today in math and in the hall ways. we are soooo retarted.there is a mixer tonight at des met i am sooooo excited cause i havent been to one like in forever, i just hope its not a middle school one like the last one that would be so bad! lol i hope sammy and tj go out for a long time, she need a good relationship, an i think she has found one!! i am soooo happy for you sammy i love you!!! its beccas birthday today i wonder if she is going to get her lisence. i wonder if she got really good stuff! tell me later tonight bec!!! happy b-day i had this really weird dream last night he was in it and i was preforming the romeo and juliet play and we were like writing notes back and forth,,,,, hummm i wonder if it means anything. i really like him, i dont think i should tell him though cuz i know he doesnt feel the same way, but i dont know he looks at me different then other guys do. i dont know i really never liked guys the way i like him it weird, but i dont know, i really like him. im talking to him right now ahhhhhh he is sooo cute! i know i hurt you but i dont feel it anymore like i used to and im sorry for that, i just want to be firends for now. i still miss you and i love you 4 ever.
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hey court! its sammy and jess!!! we love you so much! i think you should tell him! i personaly think theres somethign there lol but who knows im sammy i dont no much! but we love u!!