hating school

i hate school so freakin much now everyhitng is always the same, i keep finding excuses not to go. i only have 25 days left an i seriously dont know if i can handel it. we have a half day tomorrow thank god. i gave ricky his birthday present today lol after his birthday. o well. i hoped he liked it though, if he doesnt well to bad he can go suck an egg! lol hehe, me an kelsey had dance tonihgt, it was so gay, i have no freakin idea what i was doing. lol i hate everyone at our school, seriously i hate it when people have no better things to do besides talk about other people. it drives me insane!!!! an i hate all these new rumors going around, GOSH PEOPLE JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP! sorry i got kinda angry there. i really need to get away, anywhere away from here, kelsey says we should go to alabama, an i think i know why!!! heheh but serioulsly i just want to go away. i really dont know what to do about this situation, i have two things that i am dealing with right now and both of the situations are very bad, i just need to stop but i dont know how, its too hard. i wont ever be able to do it.
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hey Court, I know what you mean about the stupid people and the stupid rumors. and the alabama thing, hell yeah! lol...I really hope that everything works out for you, and these people stop talking. or else ill have to kick some butt!!!! i luv ya!
are you a senior or junior. either one your beating my im a sophmore, and my school sux really bad.