Long time!

I dont even know why i keep waiting so long to write on here, i always feel better when i do though. Well i had a baby, hes 7 months old this month!!! time flys so fast when you dont even know it. Spring break is in a week, i cant wait, i hate school so much, it has been such a drag the last 4 years. Im kinda of scared about the future thought, i feel like i am going to lose the person i have loved like forever, I am staying here, and well he is going away, away for 4 years, a lot can happen in 4 years. A lot. And i just dont know if i can stand not knowing what he is doing, or who he is talking to. you know? im just scared that when i go to college i wont know if i want to be what i am going for, and then waste all that time. I just want to start my life now, it seems like college is such a waste of time, but i know its not. it will all make it better. I got a new job, which is stressfull, you have to memorize all these gay quizzes that you have to get an 80% on or you fail, tomorrow is my actual first day on waiting tables by myself, and i am really nervous. Things are so stressfull right now though, with school, homework, work, raising a kid, and then on top of that having to deal with that he is leaving in a matter of 4 months, it just all sucks, i wish things would just slow down for a bit. spring break is in one week!!!!! finally!! LOVE YA, Courtney
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