better a sweet lust maker

Listening to: the blow
Feeling: bittersweet
bittersweet street is where we ll meet were that trees are black and the grass is white its a place that lovers go to mate its a spot where the kiss stand is placed this will be the street that is ever so sweet its like candy to a child like sugar to a nickname. one day it will last two months it will stand right in your front yard with a green sign on a stick were you can only see. The Life Aquatic. best movie ever i say if you liked such movies as lost a transtation,garden state,and eternal sunshine for the shotless mind we really have to see this. i saw it today by the way amazing and the music is like no other. i closed the gats early and made it friends only thats right. i love my friends hmmm. GARDEN STATE ON DVD TUESDAY SHIT THIS IS GOOD NEWS. ANYONE CARE TO JOIN ME IN WATCHING IT? THINGS THAT SHOULD HAVE OF WATCHING OF GARDEN STATE. 1. pillow 2.blanket 3.seating belts 5.dvd player 6.benjamin gibbard from death cab for cutie 7.drinks state dvd 9.poncho 10.crack pipe 11.wiskey 12.your air support 13 hospital bed i think you get the point
Read 14 comments
oh, awesome. add me.
haha. i wanted to see that movie but the ratings for it were mm...bad?lol
so I decided not to go. but if you really wanna laugh and best movie ever of course: HAROLD AND MAUDE
and Infidelity (a kcet independent film)
bah!! okay. i'll find sometime to go see it. :)
hi! my christmas was typical. family, family talking about you as if you don't know what they're saying, giggling about it. teasing little baby cousins or squeezing them in hugs. really crappy food. that kinda thing.

mm. i edited the background. it was a black and white i took from google images. but i don't really take photography.

how was yours?
my gifts are crazy. i really like my feminist organizer. they encourage disruption. it makes me want to go out and break things. it also has a menstrual calander, which i totally dig. umm. and that movie. i'll go check it out. tomorrow i'm going to seeeee i heart huckabees again.

love yer diary huh?! I like it.. =)

May I have a comment pls?! tenchu!
depends on you, i suppose.
thankyou i your anything...
I'm always in for being an elitist fuck and making this friends only.
Can I have barbeque sauce with the shoe?
My hair is greasy and wet. It allows nothing to escape, not even light. How's your weekend going? Causing lots of headaches and insanities? You rock chickadee.
Wow, sounds like you're doing some high class espionage on that place. Can I go, hang out, and be your cheerleader? :P
You rock, simply by doing and saying things that are humorously appropriate to the situation. Simply by making me laugh.
I'm rabletastic today with my stupid mumblings. My orange juice is too cold and it's hurting my teeth. I think I'm going to sue.
I am robot cheerleader!!!
Now I rock.
okay you'll carry the green water gun. we dont have real guns, you know. water guns are bad enough. lets just get sling shots and be like crazy indian cops.
sweet! yeah, we're just gonna catapult The Mighty Indian outta here when we run out of rocks. i'm going to use sacks of potpourri, and then when i run out of those, balls of sock. and THEN rocks, because we have got bigger fish to fry and that's how nature takes its course?
thankyou for adding me i wil add you back
i love that movie too :)
*tugs ear*
have a nice day