un finshed pieces

Listening to: bright eyes
Feeling: addicted
bugs is that you i see. you eight leged thing you. as my jaw drops and my heart beats i take your life with a shoe a shoe i got out of the clost. i think it belongs to the man that stole my mothers heart a couple of years ago. why do i feel a tear mybe because i took the life of another. but what if that life would of bite me and took mine. it was a nasty look thing it was with a white dimond shape on its back. so if it did bite it would of done some harm so as i think of that my tears dry up and the gult leaves my body slowly.and fear takes its place fear that its eight leged friends will come after me and mybe its mother cus i know if i got killed by a mean look human my mother by all means will sure be on the search of the killer. so now i sit here with feels of little things cralling up my leg. and staring at the moth flying around the computer screen and to think if i didnt kill the thing then the moth wouldnt be here watching every thing i do. its like god. it sees and know all. and if i was as small as a fly i would be watching everything like the nosie person im. but hey im only human as the bugs say watch out for the mean human shes a killer she is.it like voice it as a bit of a scquik to it. i what to watch some cnn i need to get updated of all the crime this world is coming to now that im safe.. i can keep my house doors unlocked cus even if there is crime we all still have fath that all people are good and that the robber that just stole your tv proply needs it more then you do. cus if he didnt he would not be in your house while your sleeping and took that tv that you will replace with another one and maybe even better sence you have inserence for stole items. un like that robber becuaes there is no such thing as a cought robber inserince. mybe geco can hook him up with it... this entry is makered as not finshed beacause like my life it to is not finshed so stay tuned to another capter of the day. this is just the beginng what will amanda ashley olbrys come up with next. THE WORLD WILL NEVER KNOW! our the will if they read more later. on another note: the header picture i did that so dont try at take it cuz i will get you for stealing it and that just not cool i dont think you want to end up the a witch and get burned at the stack yummy stack sounds nice. and good grammer and spelling yeah i dont have that so i cant really have that ill just stick to my stack. how can i mispell some of these words oh well life goes no like waves the beach. tick tick... click click... listening to cursive ahhh errrr... its 8:40 in the morning and im still up havent been to sleep yet. dancing in my chair hope i dont fall and crack my head that would be sad. i can one cup of coffee caffine is goody going for lunch and a movie with my dearist friend brittney moffit of the smoffits she the little moffet that i hang out will on the days i have off and that isnt often. oh punk just came on my mixed cds yay i havent listne to leftover crack in forever those were the days. im gont thrift store shoping for my school clothes shope tomorrow that should be fun mybe i will come across a keyboard i will be the coolist keyboardist on the block. ill beat the slut on the block with my keyboard talent oh right im going to stop now. this is geting no fun now. my fun randomness disaperd a while ago. oh yeah. im wareing baggy pants and a flanle shirt of my mothers shes a heavy set women she is. so im conffy in her shirt. it smells all nice a new cus she just bought it yesturday from the store where you can buy stuff from durrr... haha ta ta tell later my dears you could be my punk rock princess..... ill be your garage band king. im a strong man. and a cutie one very cutie thats what im told by all the girls they like cutie boys i have a split personality. ha no someone the other day thought i was my boyfriend she saw one of myself portrats on my art site. psh i wish i had a boyfriend that was as hot as me ahah yeah right love you all my little lovers in pink skirts
Read 7 comments
yea that seems to be very true about the people that write on here. thanks for checking out my journal
yay..bright eyes! B)
Nice diary. And about the veins, they are HOT! bwhahaha most girls don't like them, but hey, sport performance > looks I guess. When it was just in the arms, most could deal, but the legs/abs/chest/etc. kinda scare them after a while. Thanks for the comment and have a good one!

ps-bright eyes = amazing
thanks for the compliment. i like your journal too :)
how cute.
you're diary is amazing.
you should help me darling.
yours is oh so much better dear.
yes. old but still great, no?