
my thoughts will be the death of me. containing negitivity and excitment. its geting to worked up again with hopes of interactions. it will be a let done in the making. the parts will brake right before you. in a sight that will tearfy you. [[[[[[[*]]]]]]] Black and blue pages of a lost girls erotic exabistion keeps all the boys screaming lust and excitment but what is in these pages is for no boy to read better yet no man. -this one goes out to you thingy just beacause you are the only one that really reads my entrys. dear Anonymous yes that is right im a loser your point is useless in that comment. by the way dancestorelove is not refering to danceing danceing more like it has a deeper meaning only i can understand you have a wonderful night. 24 HOURS. of this. beauty screams in the darkness. only to see eyes. i got bored so i counted all the entrys from this journal and the firstkissfeelings one and i came up will 322 entrys i really didnt know i write so much i know im on sitd 24 /7 but writing in it didnt think i did much. i can write a novel haha.
Read 18 comments
I tree sleep over coming up. I just hope I don't wake up with splinters in my butt. :P
Eww, I don't want a bag full of shit. That would be dirty.
But taking pictures of you and your friend in the bath is perfectly normal. For me. :P But I'm just a dirty old man.
My eyes hurt. Me no feel good. Maybe some illegal drugs will make them feel better. :P or maybe I'll have ice cream.
Let me know about the pics. >:)
hehe. she stole my metaphorically-existing mistletoe... :( mmmh buht meat sounds good!

your diary is soo pretty :)

thanks. jeff buckley is the man.
have a good night :)
was someone dissin on ur name??
i'll shoot them!!!!!!!!!!!
ur layout all of the sudden change!! lol..oh man.. i like the black and white checkerded floor and chair. now its chucks!!!lol..anyways..happy holidays!
And with this robot we shall have a magnificent time. Noodle caboodle even?
Me go sleepy now. I'll leave you random comments throughout the days chickadee. I expect the same. :P Nighty night purdy lady.
you've got a spectacular eye, and your words mean more than just a little. i've read a few. this is good, you have a pulse. you know how hard it is, to simply have a pulse? i maen, here. everyone's such a child. you're pretty neat for being better than that.
Ok, why ice skating with the robot? I must know. And tell me other random things while you're at it. :D
Holy shit a fucking robot!! I'm there. Can I have it carry our atuff around and make me a cafe latte? That would kick ass indeed.
i'll have sex with you if you tell me how to get a border around my entries.

okay well...maybe not but i'll draw you stick figures and such
wow, your diary is so cool. what font are you using?
And we could run around and go crazy because of all the sugar. And then we get Jolt just to make things 8494830 times worse. It shall be a chaotically wonderful super duper time. Then we can watch crappy movies and eat popcorn and fall asleep farting. I mean snoring. :P
Happy happy joy joy. Hope you're having a splendid day chickadee filled with mullets and chicken kabobs. Want to eat pixie stix with me someday? That would be fun fun doodle dum. I seem to be rambling now. Isn't that exciting? :P
Damn dirty sharks.
I read yours and thingys entries. I don't say much other than I like them because I just care to appreciate and not try to fumble over words in a retarded attempt at flattery. I really like'em though.
That anonymous asstard is why I set my entry comments to friends only.
do you even freakin dance?? wat a looser!!
haha yeah :o)
wow really cool diary!
i like that you tell me specifically what parts you like. i have no interest in fucking him up, i'm still in love with him and it would fuck me up too. it might work for you, but it just sent me to enlightenment. of course you can steal me for inspiration. if i can steal you back.