'Tis another Saturday, and same shit.
Jess has gone, and i'm left to feel sorry for myself. i do that anyway, though.
She told me it took her a year to figure out it was easier trying to take up a different character and be happy rahter than spend it like she did.
i'm compared to her a lot, and i don't like it. i look up to her as though she's 20, but she's only a month older than me.
Fucken 15 minutes. Fuck.
Dinnt end up going to Pat's party, did drop off a wee pressie though.
Saw Alex instead. Spent a hurting 190$.
Decided to go out with Tim, mean.
i don't care about him, i don't even like him much. But he's 19, and he can get me shit i want, help me do shit i want, and use up my time when i'm there and have become so boring i don't know what to do with my life anymore. It'll be interesting to say the least. i don't do boyfriends, and maybe it'll last a couple of months because i can only see him once every 2wks, max. If he fucks other chicks, it'll be even more interesting. i like this distance, and i aint fucken complaining.
Last night was stuck in my own little world and it turned inward.
Am going, have to sort my 'ead out n make peace with peoples i love.
im doing good. not a whole lot has been goin on. nothing too exciting. this saturday should be interesting, though. going to a military ball. o_O