Almost 3years on, and i live day to day in denial. constantly, because i know the truth and the memory pains me too much to bare.
this is why i am here today.
Vaughan. Well, i was recently going through Hayley's page she's got on bebo. and it made me think: i really, really miss you. i miss your smile, i miss your company, i miss your humour.
hayley and i were young, and stupid, and i think you woke us up to reality. not just hayley and i, but all of us. then we just sort of, fell apart and grew up without each other.
death is funny like that, it either hlds people closer, or seperates people.
words simply cannot describe you.
they do not do you justice.
i haven't visited your grave site yet. i'm too scared to.
i have had friends pass, lots, but you seem to be "the straw that broke the camel's back", so to speak.

Vaughan 6 feet under

i have also been thinking about my life. i don't want to be here, because back is where home is. the memory, and with the memory, the knowledge and perseverence that i can carry on. here, i just carry on, there is nothing else to do. nooone. i am worlds apart, living a life that seems meaningless.
back home i have family. i have my beautiful nephews, my niece, my god-children. i have jess and jess has me and we have the world.
i know my boundaries. i know my laws. i know my exact centre of gravity.
i have learnt a few things while being in australia.
1) you regret the things in life you were too afraid to try, more than the things you did wrong
2) you never know what you've got 'til it's gone
3) you have to do things that are right for you, by you and noone else
4) a whole bunch of other things i don't want to mention on here.