i feel so fucken sick. not like pale ill, but pretty close to it. not throwing up, just ahhhblahhh. and then next second i'll feel fine. like now.
been to doc to get some more meds and blood test. to make sure my iron is okay, and my liver isn't fucked still (prolly is). can't get results because doc wants me to visit him. that means i have to pay him twice for fuckall. like, when did that shit start? (uhh.. when i didn't live here, duh!!)
anyway, i figured out how to put photos up here. thought i'd give it a go.

i think this is a nice photo.
L-R: niggi (lol), mum, kyle (bro), me, someguy, sam, forgethisname, scott (scotboot), bob bobbles.
so yeh, we went to rota vegas together. roadtrip hard.
drove down sat night. i was all "let's go to rotorua" and he was all "mkay".
ma drives up from wellington to meet us at rotavegas.
r0bness got to ballas', and jack drove niggi and i back from supermarket. we met up wit him. got our shit. boys jumped in bmw and we jumped in truck. drove truck to mum's, swapped for the z, drove to scotboot and sam's, chucked stuff in their car (subaru?) and started our journey.
roadtrip consisted of 20minutes stops half-hourly, so we didn't get to rotaz until 1am? on the way down i watched the cool moon and drank and squatted and almost got run over. thanks to r0bness. "chuck in into reverse". good thing sam loves me, huh. so i slapped him and stubbed my toe and karma rocks. blood went everywhere. on one of the stops the boys (bobbles and scotboot) went to the bathroom at shell. and we went to get maccas. covered our life story in 2minutes, ate maccas in the car at gas station while boys tried to get their arses back in car. we locked the doors. then scotboot got smart and we let them in. i was in the front.
we sang and danced and i took the wheel (drunkly) while she got naked (not really) and we arrived in rotaz. fucken stupid. did like, 5million u-turnss trying to find where mum had booked us in. so finally (after an hour of driving up and down the same road with the beema following us) found it. ballas and them were booked across the road, ironically. r0bness and i stayed in motel room next to mum's.
we were drunk.
then i talked to her a bit, and he smoked, and i gave her my letter and a lil book. i went to our room, had a shower, he fell asleep, i fell asleep (we'd only had an hour or two sleep the previous day).
next day
agrodome and brunch and hour detour to blue lake (ref the picture above) where we picnic-ed. ballas took photo, i started drinking again. mum left and i became a slut and we drove back up to auck (just as many u-turns), crashed at ballas place.
dreamt, woke up, sleeped, woke up, sleeped, woke up for good. woke boys up (ballas hates me). played xbox. tried to figure out a fucking way to get z out of fucking garage. got z out (THANKS NIGGI!!). went to mum's. boys came. took z to get rego but then had to buy lots of stuff. fuckkit. went to beach. started drinking. drove back from beach. i thought it wouldda been warmer than it was. stupid. i wanted to strip! oh well. went back to ballas and went to mum's to crash later on. woke up, couldn't sleep, fucked around and then left for airport at 5.20am. it was raining. did i forget anything??
entry doesn't pay it justice in the slightest. we know what happened and how we felt and stuff. enjoyed, that fo' sho'.
anyway, more photos time.
today, like, a couple of minutes ago:

steve (cousin) carrying dog bailey. and yes, he is twice removed!

my dogg b-bear. i call him beebee

steve with bailey, me, peter and russell (little shit puts me off kids). christmas '08. watching pressies. just woken up and i was still in pjs.
peter likes steve's shirt. haha.
long entry today.
so over typing now.
edit- 29.12.2008
this has got to be one of the most lonely, depressing moments in my life. well, not really, but pretty freakin close enough to.
i have noone to spend new years with. and nowhere to go. and nothing that i know. i have alcohol, but no transport and no anything.
what the fuck.
like, since when did this happen.
my first new years when i'm legally allowed to piss up, and i'm going to be stuck at home, sitting watching fucken fireworks on television.
alex would shoot me if he found out.
the last two new years, i have spent yelling at axl. well, no, last new years i did that. new years before that, he was on home detention and had to look after the kids. i went and got drunk with darcy, then got lost, talked to a cat who guided me to axl's. fucked and slept. i was pregnant.
yeah. back to this year...
I know when I leave I'm going to hate it, but after a while I know I will grow to love it.
So, I say just stick it out there for a while, at least like 6 months, and see if you still want to go.