what an awesome weekend

ok, so thursday was the Wild Cats dinner party. we got our sweatshirts and had a good time. then friday, i went to Mesha's and worked on out Kenny project and made chocholate cake. Saturday, my mom took me to the mall and i got a cute tank top and a little jacket to go over my Easter dress and some shoes to go with it. After, i met Mesha at the movies and we saw the end of Ring 2 cuz we read the wrong time and then all of Guess Who. so we basically saw a movie and a half that day. it was a good time. Then Sunday, i went to church with Mesha and fam and then came home and went to my Aunt Carol's. had some fun there and then went to my grandmas to sleep over. Becca and her fam came too and we just had a blast. Becca and i were downstairs and stayed up till like 2 talking about our lives and boys and all that good stuff. we cleared alot of things up. i personally think we got closer which is good cuz i love her and would never wanna loose her. then this morning, we woke up to our little sisters and cousins screaming about how they ate 3 batches of Norwegian Pancakes. losers. then becca and i made our own, got ready, and went to the mall with her mom, grandma and aunt cindy. there, we went to Charlotte Russe and tried on a bunch of stuff and took pics. wow. then we went to Pac Sun and bought joint custody sweatshirts. should be awesome. haha. after, we went to BK and acted like we were 5 which is what we usually do when we are together. haha. then we stalked some guy. it was fun. then becca took pics of me outside in the rain. then her mom asked us to go get cinnabon stuff and we snuck over and took photobooth photos. some hott stuff right there. then i went to the hospital to see my dad. he was having his surgery today. i was expecting something like last time. where he didnt talk for a month. but no, he was awesome. looked scary cuz of flashbacks, but hes all good. my mom is still there, and shes not coming home till like 9. hmm. but as long as my dad is alright ill be alright. i love him so much. he means so much to me in my life idk what id do if my parents broke up. it would be very weird. any way. thats about it. i bought some stuff and im gonna go try it on. write more later you can find all of todays pics at http://community.webshots.com/user/crazy_beautifulx3 -- i sound like an annoying advertiser. haha. x33 mucho love!
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funn weekend :) blahh -- i really don't want to go to school tomorrow..

thanks....I like yours too :)
rachel my lovee
this weekend was awesome heartchu