Created by LaBelleAmie and taken 15032 times on bzoink! | |
The Basic Stuff | |
Name? | Katey |
Age? | 15 |
Height? | 5'7 |
Weight? | dunno |
Birthday? | April 26th 1990 |
Birthplace? | Missoula Montana |
Current Location? | Portland Oregon |
School/Grade? | 8th grade |
Zodiac Sign? | Taraus |
Chinese Zodiac Sign? | dont care |
Righty or Lefty? | righty!! woo!! |
Haircolor? | blonde, purple streaks |
Eyecolor? | lilac (contacts) |
Skin Color? | pale |
About You | |
What's Your Family Situation (Parents, Siblings, etc)? | Mom, stepdad, 1 unborn bro/sis |
Any Pets? | yes |
If So What Are They? | 2 dogs, 3 cats |
Favorite Relative? | Bakka (grandma) |
Least Favorite Relative? | Step mom |
What's Your Heritage/Race? | Irish, german, italian, scottish, english, croation, and hawaiin |
Political Affilation? | ??? |
Love & Sex | |
Sexuality? | no |
Are You In A Relationship Now? | yes |
If So, With Whom? | RP: AFR RL: no one |
For How Long? | 3 weeks |
Are You In Love? | yes |
Do You Have A Crush On Anyone? | Skylar Jordan, Brandon Kuhn |
Ever Had A Crush On Someone Of The Same Sex? | no |
How Old Were You When You Had Your First Kiss? | Why do you want to know? |
Virgin? | yes |
If Not, How Old Were You When You Had Sex For The First Time? | |
Was It Enjoyable? | |
What's The Farthest You've Ever Gone? | kissing |
Where Do You Most Like To Be Kissed? | lips (duh!) |
Best Love Quote? | dont have one |
Your Friends | |
Best? | Sam, Amanda, Roxie (RL) Everyone (RP) |
How Many Do You Have? | millions! |
More Guys Or Girls? | guys |
Love Them All? | duh! |
Any You Wish You Were Closer To? | no |
Oldest? | AFR |
Newest? | Selia |
Pen Pal? | nope |
Friends And Words: Associate Them | |
Pen | have millions |
Flower | roses |
Pink | ewww |
Window | rain |
Heart | broken |
Mother | evil |
Bread | nummy |
Insane | me |
Sunglasses | purple |
Pimp | bleh |
Cross | Liberty Bible |
Lonely | me |
Car | |
Music | |
This Or That | |
Boxers or Briefs? | .... |
Thongs or G-Strings? | ew |
Shorts or Pants? | pants |
Shoes or Barefeet? | barefeet |
Books or Movies? | both |
Night or Day? | night |
Dark or Light? | dark |
Mountains or Beach? | beach |
Snow or Sun? | sun |
Pepsi or Coke? | pepsi |
Guys or Girls? | guys |
Swim or Surf? | surf (oh yeah!) |
For or Against | |
Gay Marriage? | for |
Abortion? | neither |
Bush Getting Re-elected? | against |
Suicide? | dunno |
War? | against |
Pants? | for |
Clothes In General? | for |
Penises? | ..... |
Favorites | |
Color? | black and red |
Number? | 13 |
Holiday? | My B-Day |
Season? | Summer and Winter |
Movie? | Phantom Of The Opera |
Book? | Tamora Pierce books |
Magazine? | anime |
Food? | Lasagna |
Drink? | suicide soda |
TV Show? | Teen Titans and Pretear |
Song? | I'm Not Okay, Phantom Of The Opera, Behind These Hazel Eyes, Missing |
Band? | My Chemical Romance |
Computer Game? | Shadow Clan |
Video Game? | Shadow Clan |
Anime/Manga? | Anime |
Shirt? | Black BAM shirt |
Pants? | Mudd jeans and Tripp Jeans |
Actor? | ... |
Actress? | ... |
Singer? | Amy Lee |
Flower? | Rose |
Scent? | rain |
Animal? | tiger |
Cookie? | chocolate chip |
The Future | |
Want To Go To College? | yes |
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up? | Lawyer or Singer |
Want To Get Married? | yes |
Want To Have Kids? | yes |
What Would Their Names Be? | Some weird name |
How Many? | 1 or 2 |
Where Do You Want To Live? | New York or Missoula, possibly Vancouver WA or Canada |
Where Do You Want To Get Married? | Beach, Hawaii |
How Do You Want To Die? | in my sleep |
More Stuff About You | |
Piercings? | ears, belly button |
Tattoos? | none |
Smoke? | no |
Drink? | no |
Do Drugs? | no |
Skinny Dip? | once or twice |
Greatest Fear? | being alone |
Chocolate or Vanilla? | chocolate |
Go To Church? | yes |
Religion? | Christian, Wiccan, Catholic |
Scars? | all over |
CDs Owned? | over 200 |
Collections? | ? |
Like To Be Naked? | *shrugs* |
Ever Eaten Sushi? | no |
An Entire Case Of Oreos? | yes |
Been On Stage? | yes |
Danced In The Rain? | yes |
Kissed Someone Of The Same Sex? | no |
Weirdest Dream? | no |
Best Dream? | no |
Saddest Dream? | no |
Dream You Most Wish Would Come True? | death, only when I'm depressed |
Think You're Attractive? | somewhat |
Shoplifted? | no |
Been Caught "Doing Something"? | no |
Weirdest Makeout Place? | ? |
Like Thunderstorms? | yes |
Favorite Shoes? | converse |
Favorite Quote? | mine |
Best Advice Given? | You have control of your future- AFR |
Worst Advice Given? | Jump of the bridge into the river Katey! Its fun- My cousin Noah |
Favorite Song Lyric? | Thats right, I'm the last one standing,another one bites the dust |
What Quote Says Most About Your Life? | I'm a fighter |
Glad This Is Over? | somewhat |
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