Listening to: Puppet Master by Metallica
Feeling: unsure
I went and met up with Brandon earlier. He walked me through the back allies in the Downtown. I was pinned to the wall, and pretty much sexually assaulted. He started rubbing my thighs kissing me on the neck and other places. Usually I would kick his ass, but I was in a total state of shock. I was stuck there like that for about an hour and a half. Oh gods it was horrible. He wouldnt stop. Not even when I asked him. I tried hard to get away but that didnt work. I was just thrown back against the wall again. I'm not going near him ever ever EVER again without Caleb or Jake with me. I refuse to. I dont want him touching me. He tried to make it better but he did it the wrong way. You dont do that to someone to try and fix something. He got with the school slut and expected me to get back with him because he wanted sex. Fuck that.
*kicks guy in balls repeatedly*
He is a disgrace to males everywhere!
I said it once...
I'll say it again...
At times like these...
Miles are the most painful measurement I know...