Stupid Matthew

Listening to: nothing
Feeling: listless
Yay! I have no life. I'm sitting here...being bored. I want new shoes. Lalalalalala. I wish I was back in Logan. *sniffle* Oh well. Sucks to be me I guess. I mean yeah, Ilove my family but I miss my friends to death!! And I leave Logan in 30 days! Dang it that sucks!! *sigh* Oh well. I don't want to go to stupid Ohio. And I wish I had Christa's number saved on the net so I could call her and make plans to meet up with her since she's in Mesa and all. Lalala. I'm so bored and James is reading over my shoulder making stupid comments. And Matt said something about the whole meeting over Casey because my pic is of me and Michael. *rolls eyes* Ashley Grae got all appologetic about it. I'm not mad at her anymore really but I am pissed that she told and everyone is talking about it -still-. It's not like anything even happened!!! Stupid people from Prince of Peace! Well...some of them at least. This is really hurting my knees. Matt stole the chair. I hate kneeling. Lalala. I wish it were next summer. I will be seriously sad if I don't get accepted at LHBC as a camp hand. yeah. This was totally pointless. Sorry kids! Love y'all!
Read 2 comments
wow... in like 30 days, matt moving in with me... cool... Im srooy you dont like him though, but he is family, and eventually they are all you have! so you need to gain a love for him.
Anyways, I will talk to ya later
wow...30 days...not long at all...i'm the way, i still haven't seen a pic of casey...hmmmmmmmmm, you should send me one...yay...bye