Dang I wish I were funny. Ah well. Sucks to be me I guess. I'm sitting here and later today I may go and buy the things that are on my magical list of things to buy. Crest Whitening strips and hairspray. HAHA. And bobbie pins. I need some of those. Today is cleaning day. And I -get- to clean. At least that is what I have been told. Mmm...haha. Homecoming is coming. And I'm not going. And suprisingly I really don't care. I don't understand why I would spend a hundred dollars on a stupid dress and get my hair and make up done. Along with a manicure and a pedicure plus buying shoes to go hanging out with my other friends and their dates and look like a fricking loser when people were dancing and I just stand there. HAHA. I'll go to homecoming eventually. Maybe. But I mean...I dislike dances where I don't know most of the people and where most of the people haven't a clue who I am. I'm just "that new girl from Utah". I think I'll lock myself in my room and write an emo song about moving back to Utah. How hard can it be? Mostly they're power chords. Or so I've been informed by people. Ah well. I'll go away now and keep wishing I were funny. MEH MEH MEH MEH. BYE BYE
Read 9 comments
you are funny...you are always making me laugh...ha ha...trained raptors....yay...yeah, i don't think that i am going to homecoming either...ha ha...we are the dateless losers!!! how cool...we rock...yay...la la la..i am hyper...bye
HEY!!!! that was mean....punches katherine in the nose and makes her fall over...and then since even though it hurts...there is still love...i help you up kick earl and then give you a hug...but then you just leave and get a hug from casey...and then i am left standing there *glares at casey*...ha ha...that was fun...la la la...love and miss ya...bye
It would appear to me that the only way i could possibly be funny is by being a sick piece of shit, but hey - if it gets my friends to piss themselves with laughter then so what!!

Enough of that gibberish, i hate dances too and all that crap. Happy days!!
ha ha ha ha ha...and guess who got a random comment on their diary...was it me? no...it was you!!!! ha ha...so you got the most recent one...lucky duck...he he...jake...*big smile* :D...that ending is too depressing though...i say: *casey grabs katherine's hand* and you start running through the feild to the end of the rainbow...where the treasure was casey telling you that he liked you as more than a friend and then *kisses* lots and lots
You left a comment on my diary under your new name.
silly goose.
I love you. And only losers get manicures and pedicures for homecoming. A friend did my hair and make up, and I got my dress on sale. 27 bucks, baby. It's a pretty dress as well.
Yar, he told me yesterday. I was like "dude, how long have you known?" and I felt sad because I was excluded.

Oh well.

I love you too,
hey dude! can u plzz read my story cus i need 2 hear ppls opinions my username is: antitheus and i was friends only but ur added 2 my list of friends so u can read it! thanx!
ha ha ha, you got another random person comment...and you are even on their friends list...ha ha...lucky duck...miss ya!
Awesome sit.