
So I dont have any consistancy so what? I think I have consistancy, albeit that of water... or perhaps milk... it is still consistant. Yeah, thats right. Milk is consistantly milk. Unless you leave it out too long... but I am not that kind of milk. You should have known better to expect me to give you the same thing all the time. I'm not like that, consistance makes me bored, I cant handle it. Well... sometimes I can... but thats all sort of obscure... something about the full moon every thousand years or something. Point is, its not me. Im bored anyway. I dunno why, I just feel like I need something exciting. Something crazy wild. Thats why I am looking forward to this weekend. I hope it works out ok. I went to school today. Way lame. Well... most of school. Why do you always have to be right? Hmm? Why do you think you have to know it all and never open your mind, never consider that it might just be something else. And you, why cant you grow up? PLEASE, for the love of christ. Switch the "ON" button in your brain and realize that not everything is about you. And I dont care about you that much. While I am ranting about people, how about YOU! The one who possibly gives me the most frustration without even realizing it. You are so selfish. I still love you man, ok? I still love you, so dont treat me like I dont. I know that you just do alot of the things you do because you think I dont care. But I do. Ok? Ok. Please dont make me tell you again. My parents and I fought alot this weekend. Nothing to major, just a few little tiffs. And then mom does this thing that I absolutly HATE. She will get upset with me, and I will roll over and die so she will leave me alone, and THEN she will go out to the other room to talk about how much of a lazy ass I am and I am so ungrateful. Please mother, I understand you are upset, you really dont have to remind me through someone else. GOD that frustrates me.
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*hug* i lub you