
I have a bad cold. And it makes me sad. :( But it is ok, because I got medicine last night and I am already feeling better. So hopefully I will be all the way better soon. I watched "Hot Fuzz" yesterday and it was sooooooo fucking hillarious. I love that movie. If you havent seen it, go and rent it. You wont regret it. The other day the sun was bright red when it set. I think it is because all of the smoke from california is being blown over to us. It was way pretty. Me and my baby talked about what would happen if the world was going to end right then. And we both decided that it would be ok if the world ended, as long as we were with each other. I am all registered and ready to go to college. Bleh. I dont really want to go that bad... but I need to get on with my life. Since my highschool grades were shitacular, I am already sort of on academic probation, which is fucked up. I am only taking two maybe three classes my first semester so I am not overloaded though, so hopefully by spring I can be a regular student. I cant find a job. Its no good. I drew a REALLY morbid picture the other day, but it is also really really cool. If you want to see it (and other amazing works of art by me) then you request it. My head is full of mucus.
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Hey, thanks for the comment.

Yeah, it's been really hard these last few days, I've felt really drained because of work and stuff, and theres no-one around to make it better, you know? But, aslong as I can keep busy, she'll be back here sooner than I know.

Thanks again!
