
The bullshit that comes out of my coworkers mouth is unbelievable!

One second she is an ignorant holier than thou racist fat hick bitchface... and the next she says:

"well the kids are the future, and I just want to help them."

...What... the... fuck...

How are you helping?! You sit around on your fat ass all day badmouthing students! HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU HELPING! How bout, instead of stuffing your face with so much food, you send that money to say, an orphanage, a charity that helps kids with cancer... something like that? Or, you could KEEP YOUR FAT MOUTH SHUT and DO YOU FUCKING JOB! You are supposed to teach students, not be a fat ass downer. Maybe you could fucking think about what you are saying before you open you fat fucking fatty fatty fat fat mouth. How bout that? How about you act like a real fucking person? Hmm? Would you do it for a donut?

You better watch out, I will fucking destroy you.

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Hi. Bestie. I love you. Also you are awesome.
[Anonymous (]